With Rise

Company Introduction Company Executive History
Company executive history

Let me introduce the key leaders who design the future.


Lee Sangmin

Graduated from Keimyung University’s Department of Trade (1984)
Registered as a partner campany in POSCO (1986)
Director of POSCO (1998~2020)
Company personnel
  • Engineer 27persons
  • Manager 6persons
  • Total 33persons

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share your future success?

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Company Info

  • T. 02-519-1000
  • F. 02-519-1007
  • E. withrise2021@naver.com
회사명 : (주)위드라이스
Name of Firm : With Rise CO.LTD
대표이사 : 이상민
CEO : Lee, Sang Min
등록사항 : 879-86-02596 / 주식회사 위드라이스
Resistration : 879-86-02596 / Gangnam-gu, Seoul
소재지 : 서울시 강남구 봉은사로 439 cc빌딩 9층
Address : 9F, CC Building, Bongeunsa-ro 439, Gangnam-gu,

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